Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stairway to heaven?


Small City Scenes said...

A spiral staircase---love it. I want one too. MB

cieldequimper said...

To where?

Cezar and Léia said...

I LOVE this song! :)
ahhh this stair is very charming!
And I love the green vegetation around!

Rose said...

I don't know...did you a hear a bustle in the hedgerow???

Unknown said...

Nicely shaped wooden stairway.

youth_in_asia said...

I love to shake the hand of the person who built that. What incredible workmanship! I'm used to seeing staircases like this in wrought-iron. Not wood. Beautiful.

And yes, I use a tripod for my night shots. I only recently (last fall) started trying them for real. Now all I want to do is go out at night.

Thanks for the kind words, enjoy your day.

Sailor said...

Beautiful picture.

Since I do not know whats on top, I would say its a Stairway to heaven or unknown.

Anonymous said...

That's really nice, especially for being outside... I need some of the stuff they covered it in to keep it from rotting for my back deck... it isn't bad yet, but it will be!

Anonymous said...

Those steps are gorgeous. Love the warmth of the wood against the paleness of the two trunks in the front.