Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Rusty Rim under repair

We have shown numerous photos of the Rusty Rim (previously known as The Captain's Table) on this blog. We have eaten there on a number of occasions. It's been a Cedar Key icon at least for the 25 years we've been visiting Cedar Key and probably much longer.

A few months ago, it caught fire in the middle of the night. As I recall the cause was thought to be faulty wiring. When we drove over to Cedar Key recently, the restaurant was in process of being restored. That process may be over now and we'll head back soon to check it out.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Shiny wings...

I asked this crow, who alit on the Cedar Key pier, what he had to crow about. He said, "Shiny wings!" He was right! Then he added, "And my sense of balance."

Who could argue with that?