Friday, December 16, 2016

Cedar Key Storm Damage

When we drove into Cedar Key, we noticed a large house trailer in the marina parking lot.  Then we saw the FEMA sign.  It turns out that Cedar Key was hit by a big storm suddenly and without warning.  The waters churned up underneath the Dock and did quite a bit of damage there.  Then waves carrying mud and trash crashed ashore to damage buildings over a block away.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Cedar Key Gallery & Gift Shop

Not long ago, Cedar Key was hit by a strong storm that came up suddenly and caught everyone unawares. I will show more photos of some of the storm damage in the near future. The Cedar Keyhole, an artist's cooperative, is located on Main Street, a couple of blocks from the water. But the storm was so strong it carried water and mud from the marina area through this building doing extensive damage.

Fortunately, many items were able to be salvaged and the Keyhole is back in business. If you're ever in Cedar Key, please stop by and look at the beautiful work of the artists who express themselves in various mediums - photography, oils, water colors, sculpture, and a variety of other arts and crafts.