As long as I can remember, this building has stood empty in Cedar Key. It appears now that it will be renovated for other purposes. This photo was taken several years ago, yet the building looks very much the same.
A very nice woman runs Cedar Key Quality Canvas Products. She sells a variety of canvas items, from handbags to totes, plus other related goods. The shop fronts the main drag heading toward downtown and backs up to the inner bay area.
There is a small beach near the dock area in Cedar Key which is used for swimming. Because there are so many boats in the area, they "rope" off an area where swimmers can frolic in safety.
We stayed at Cedar Cove for a few nights a number of years ago. They offer fine accommodations and the building is located right next to the swimming beach.
You will find this unfinished house on the road leading into Cedar Key. No trespassing signs abound. It appears someone had a dream but not the wherewithal to complete that dream. So, it sits, unfinished.