Thursday, October 1, 2009

Take only a few sand dollars

Sand dollars are in high demand. Some people take too many and thus diminish the population.

Photo by Lois Anne.


Rose said...

Lois, this is a winner! So beautiful!

Mirela said...

They're alive? We only get empty shells...

Small City Scenes said...

Maybe we should take NO sand dollars.
Love the header pic. MB

brattcat said...

Important message, Lois Anne.

B SQUARED said...

And some think a "dollar" isn't worth what it once was.

Frank said...

Now this is a sunset. Beautiful sky and scene plus the terrific sign. As kids I don't think anyone thought of sand dollars are living creatures. Just think how many died while drying outside beach-side cottages.
Nice post!

jusdealem said...

What a beautiful sunset! Next year's vacation will definetly be a beach vacation :)

Unknown said...

Wish people could be controlled... Sand Dollar are just amazing! I've never seen so many as in Ecuador (we don't have them here)!

cieldequimper said...

Sand dollars? Shells?

Cezar and Léia said...

What's the use of it? Perhaps to use as coins in those beverage machines? :)
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

i have 2

Lowell said...

Sand dollars are little marine animals in a shell as you see on the sign...the shells are soft and easily crumbled. People take too many of them as souvenirs. Most of them get thrown away as they have to be cleaned properly or the animal inside dies and begins to stink.

Thus, the sand dollar population has been shrinking for years...thus, the sign.

Don and Krise said...

Don't you wonder what it feels like to be a sand dollar when some nutball tourist comes strolling along the beach, picks you up and skips you across the water at about sixty miles per hour? Talk about dizzy!