Out on Cedar Key's new pier, we were watching this gentleman fish when suddenly he began yanking his rod vigorously. Evidently his hook had become caught on the bottom or on a rock. I knew how he felt as the same thing has happened to me many times. He became more and more frustrated and yanked harder and harder until suddenly his rod snapped.
He was not a happy camper. But, he wasn't a quitter, either. Here you see him fixing up another rod so he could feed the fish one more time.
Beautifully composed, excellent capture. I think you had more luck fishing that day than this gentleman had.
People are fascinated with the fishing gear. I think it is more in the gear than in the catch.
A really interesting composition. I like the two triangles, three if you count the two rods and lines, and the pole, bird, and man.
The only thing I would have done differently was crop some of the empty space on the left.
You may be right about cropping, Clueless...but I thought it made the image more stark and a sense of being alone with his troubles...
Have a great day!
Oooooh! Fantastic composition. I've tried the cropping bit with my hand on the screen , I like the wide sky on the left!
unusual and cool shot!
Me too, Ciel!
Haha, the guy was trying to fish an one-tonne-rock!
He may be strong but not that much... Keep on trying!
Léia asks if you've seen any mermaid around...
God bless you!
Interesting composition, Jacob.
Cezar - Tell dear Leia that I saw no mermaids. Did she think I would look for such a thing? Ha! No, my mind and eyes are always and only on photography. A mermaid could swim right by and I would turn to take a photo of a pelican!
(And if she believes that...)
I did see a few dolphin, but only got one fin in a picture...they were too far away...
Next time, I may look for a mermaid. Or a milkmaid. Or a beermaid. Actually, any kind of maid...
I love all the elements in this shot...but the seagull really makes it! :D
I like this composition very much!
I am glad after reading that post.
Fishing gears and methods
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