Friday, March 11, 2011

Pelican perch


Rose said...

This would make a terrific jigsaw puzzle...

cieldequimper said...

Why yes, looks like they are having a conference as to lunch!

Ok, sorry, yes, I did change the font of the header.
And I replied to your remark about the height of the cathedral: the king wanted no buildings higher than his palace...

And no, no, no, no specific significance to the way I dabbled with the photo on Artsy V. :-)

Unknown said...

Great photo! Love the birds, the pier and its reflections.

Cezar and Léia said...

Their housing seems to be in a poor condition... :)
God bless you!

Small City Scenes said...

He's not a Pelican he's a Perchican. MB

Lois said...

Perfect! I agree with the jigsaw puzzle idea too.

emily michelle said...

This is a great picture! I like the pattern of the posts against the water.

Jeannette StG said...

Love this photo -very artsy!

jelly beans said...

nice shot. they look very peaceful!