Saturday, July 18, 2009

Out, out and away

Please refer to photo of yacht posted yesterday, Friday July 17. These two folks appear to be the owners of the yacht and had come ashore, perhaps to have dinner and walk around the island. Here they are getting into their small boat to head back out to their boat.

They're on their way!

Almost there...but they didn't go directly to their yacht. The rode around a sailboat anchored nearby, looked it over, and then went to their yacht and hoisted their small dinghy.

As noted, the next morning they were gone.

Dropping in for dinner at Cedar Key

The yacht is actually quite a ways out in the water. The long lens compresses the distance.

We observed the owners of this yacht in town, strolling along, enjoying a beautiful summer evening...then they got in their little dinghy (which you can see in the photo) and went back to their yacht. They were gone in the morning.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sawgrass Motel

The Sawgrass Motel, located on the dock in Cedar Key, just across from the new pier, is a rather funky-looking place, but would certainly put you in the center of the action!

We haven't been inside for awhile, but there's a gallery on the first floor for those of you who would like to shop for Florida-type stuff and Cedar Key specific items.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Take a tour of Cedar Key

You can take a tour of Cedar Key by calling the number on that sign. The "rickshaw," I believe is horse-powered, and would actually be a good way to get an overview of the entire island.