Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cedar Key Foods

As long as I can remember, this building has stood empty in Cedar Key. It appears now that it will be renovated for other purposes. This photo was taken several years ago, yet the building looks very much the same.


cieldequimper said...

That's a great shot Jacob. It's a good thing it will be restored rather than pulled down.

Juergen Kuehn said...

Often I ignore, that photographers have also the mission to take pictures like those and not only the beauties.
Thanks for recall this promise with your impressive example, Jacob.
A great weekend to all of you!

B SQUARED said...

It certainly has a lot of character.

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a pity the building is yet forget!great post!

Rob said...

Ramshackle look, but makes for grand photography!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I love the old ones. So much character. Great shot.

Julie said...

Jacob, what is the population of Cedar Key? Is it mainly a retirement village? You certainly have a wonderful array of quirky buildings.

Lowell said...

@ Julie - As of 2007, the population was 973. I doubt it has changed very much. On any given day, however, there are a number of tourists wandering about. And at certain other times people by the thousands pour into town for art shows and seafood festivals...then things get quite crowded!

david mcmahon said...

Do the tyres suggest that it a wooden cart?

Your previous sunset photo is great - beautiful tones on the water.

Julie said...

Golly, it is so small: and yet it has such a sense of community and resources.